Samuel Abraham Perez is a former gay stripper turned whole hearted follower of Jesus. After being involved In the homosexual lifestyle and experiencing severe depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts; Samuel turned to God.
With open and extended arms, God's saving and transformational grace allowed for a complete change in his identity and purpose.
Samuel's mission is to preach his testimony and experiences of his life in the LGBTQ community, to believers and non-believers. Hoping to inspire others that the love of God is transformational and correcting.
His vision includes educating the church on those who struggle with same-sex attraction, and proper biblical interpretation and helping those whom struggle with SSA find comfort and encouragement towards an all encompassing and consuming love in Jesus Christ.

Christian In Progress features hour long episodes that help christians and non-christians alike understand the journey of being a christ follower.
Every other week, the podcast features a special guest to speak on their favorite topics or share their testimony. Episodes are released weekly on a Friday.
You can even find a recorded visual version of the podcast up on Samuel's YouTube! Click here for the YouTube playlist! Now available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Pandora and many other platforms.

Looking for community? Get involved in a virtual community with other like minded individuals seeking after the heart of God and looking to become Disciple makers.
Discord is an app that offers distinct chat rooms based on subjects, with the ability to video
and or voice chats.
Weekly Disciple Making Calls are held by Samuel,
Join now to be apart of a thriving online disciple making community!

Help Samuel continue his ministry efforts and provide free teaching and entertaining content on multiple social media platforms (Twitch, Youtube, Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) reaching thousands of people every month!
Becoming a partner with Patron, means you get special benefits from Samuel, depending on your pledge. Pledge rewards include, Shirts and Hoodies, Bi-Monthly Zoom Calls, Personalized Thank You Email, Access to special YouTube Videos, Custom Pins and more!
With the help of generous ministry partners (Like you), Samuel is able to study, work, and create full-time for the kingdom of God and the spreading of the good news.
If you wish to help the ministry, and want to to donate but only one time, follow the one time giving button

Live bible studies usually every Thursday night at 9PM eastern standard time. Streaming on Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, and Instagram.
Live chat, Q&A, and interactions available after the teachings!
Click the icons / logo's below to be linked to Samuel's streaming accounts!

Keep in touch with Samuel and his ministry efforts. Sign up to receive monthly updates, offers and first look at all the new content and projects in coming soon for the ministry!